目的研究干酪乳杆菌Zhang(Lactobacillus casei Zhang,LcZhang)活菌制剂对小鼠肠粘膜免疫功能的影响。方法将分离自酸马奶的干酪乳杆菌Zhang,以活菌制剂的形式分三个剂量灌服小鼠11d,观察小鼠肠道局部免疫组织一派伊尔氏结(Payer’s Patches,PP)的数量及小肠粘膜CD3+、IgA+细胞数量及其阳性信号平均光密度值。结果干酪乳杆菌Zhang可使小鼠肠道粘膜相关淋巴组织中派伊尔氏结计数、计分值显著提高,并可显著提高肠粘膜内CD3+、IgA+细胞数量及表达强度。结论干酪乳杆菌Zhang对小鼠肠道粘膜免疫具有明显的促进作用。
Objective To study the effect of Lactobacillus casei Zhang (LcZhang) live bacteria preparation on intestinal mucosal immune function in mice. Methods Lactobacillus casei isolated from yam and mare was used to inoculate mice with three doses in the form of viable preparations for 11 days to observe the quantity of local immune tissue-bearing Payer’s patches (PP) And intestinal mucosa CD3 +, IgA + cell number and the positive signal average optical density value. Results Lactobacillus casei Zhang could significantly increase the Peyer’s knot count in intestinal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue and increase the number of CD3 + and IgA + cells and the intensity of expression in intestinal mucosa. Conclusion Lactobacillus casei Zhang can significantly promote intestinal mucosal immunity in mice.