获得2000年奥斯卡最佳男配角奖、最佳编剧奖 “生活在别处”,这是法国象征主义诗人兰波的名言。捷克当代作家米兰·昆德拉用这句话命名了他的一部小说。这句话对于那些人到中年,已经现实得满脑子只有老婆儿子热炕头的人来讲,是一句诗;而对于那些二十郎当,血气方刚,满脑子充满着奇思怪想,野心大得一个人就能征服世界的毛头小伙儿来讲,这句话岂止是诗,简直就是他们的理想、抱负和追求。那个年龄段的人最热衷的就是“舍近求远”——近边的生活是无聊的,外面的世界才
Won the 2000 Oscars Best Supporting Actor Award, best screenplay award “living elsewhere”, this is the famous symbol of France's poet Rimbaud. In this sentence, Milan Kundera, a contemporary Czech writer, named one of his novels. This sentence is for those who are middle-aged, has been realistic enough to have only his wife and son hot kang, is a poem; and for those who are 20 Lang, flesh and blood, full of mind full of strange thinking, ambition To a man who can conquer the world, this sentence is more than poetry. It is simply their ideal, aspiration and pursuit. The most enthusiastic person of that age group is “getting closer” - the life near is boring, only the outside world