
来源 :党史天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bingjilin1986
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1949年初,胜利结束了三大战役的人民解放军在挥师南下,进抵长江北岸时,遇到了进行大兵团渡江作战的新课题。这支靠陆战起家的部队将怎样准备与拥有军舰、飞机的敌手在滔滔江水上斗智斗勇?那些来自北方的“旱鸭子”又将如何变成“水蛟龙”呢? At the beginning of 1949, when the people’s Liberation Army that ended the victory in the three major battles ran southward and entered the north bank of the Yangtze River, it encountered a new task for crossing the Yangtze River. How could this force, which started off by the war, be prepared to wrestle with its rivals who own warships and aircraft and how the “dry duck” from the north will turn into a “water dragon?”