Formation of Melt Pocket in Mantle Peridotite Xenolith from Western Qinling, Central China: Partial

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Two types of melt pockets, closed melt pocket (CMP) and open melt pocket (OMP), are recognized from the peridotite xenoliths entrained in the Cenozoic kamafugites in western Qinling (秦岭), Central China. The Haoti (好梯) CMPs have a mineral assemblage of olivine+ clinopyroxene+amphibole+K-feldspar, whereas the Baiguan (白关) CMPs are composed of olivine+clinopyroxene+ilmenite+carbonate. The components of the OMPs are more complicated. In the Haoti OMPs, there are olivine, clinopyroxene, glass, low modal abundances of amphibole, K-feldspar (Kfs), ilmenite, sulfide, chlorite, perovskite, chromite and phlogopite. TheBaiguan OMPs contain olivine, clinopyroxene, glass, chlorite and chromite. Compositionally, olivines in the CMPs and OMPs are both apparently depleted in Ni, and those in the OMPs are also depleted in Fe and Mg, and enriched in Ca compared to the primary ones. Clinopyroxenes display large and system-atical compositional variations between the CMPs and OMPs, particularly in Al, Cr, Na, Ca and Ti. Glasses are generally depleted in Si compared to the worldwide glasses in melt pockets, although they still have large variations. Amphiboles and K-feldspars have relatively restricted compositional varia-tions. The petrographical observations and mineral chemistry suggest that the Haoti and Baiguan CMPs were generated by the in-situ decompression melting of orthopyroxenes, olivines and clinopy-roxenes, and by the addition of minor external K-rich and Ca-rich melt/fluids. The OMPs formed dur-ing the latest metasomatic event in the lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling. Two types of melt pockets, closed melt pocket (CMP) and open melt pocket (OMP), were recognized from the peridotite xenoliths entrained in the Cenozoic kamafugites in western Qinling, Central China. The Haoti CMPs have a mineral assemblage of olivine + clinopyroxene + amphibole + K-feldspar, while the Baiguan CMPs are composed of olivine + clinopyroxene + ilmenite + carbonate. The components of the OMPs are more complicated. In the Haoti OMPs, there are olivine, clinopyroxene , glass, low modal abundances of amphiboles, K-feldspar (Kfs), ilmenite, sulfide, chlorite, perovskite, chromite and phlogopite. The Baiguan OMPs contain olivine, clinopyroxene, glass, chlorite and chromite. Compositionally, olivines in the CMPs and OMPs are Both apparently depleted in Ni, and those in the OMPs also also depleted in Fe and Mg, and enriched in Ca compared to the primary ones. Clinopyroxenes display large and system-atical compositional variations between the CMPs and OMPs in Al, Cr, Na, Ca and Ti. Glasses are generally depleted in Si compared to the worldwide glasses in melt pockets, although they still have large variations. Amphiboles and K-feldspars have relatively restricted compositional varia- tions. The petrographical observations and mineral chemistry suggest that the Haoti and Baiguan CMPs were generated by the in-situ decompression melting of orthopyroxenes, olivines and clinopyloxenes, and by the addition of minor external K-rich and Ca-rich melt / fluids. The OMPs formed dur- ing the latest metasomatic event in the lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling.
编辑同志: 贵刊在89年第四期上刊登了空军第一研究所丁洪志的文章“航空发动机试车台噪声治理”,关于该文谨提出以下意见: 一、空军第一研究所是该工程的使用单位。 二、该
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