1979年,一支由阿尔塔米拉博物馆馆长J.冈萨雷斯·埃什加雷和芝加哥大学莱斯利·弗里曼领导的西班牙和美国专业考古队在发掘西班牙桑坦德附近的埃尔朱约古洞的过程中,发现了一尊大约为一万四千年前的石雕(见下图,上图为素描图)。这尊石雕是在莱斯利·弗里曼教授所推测的马格德林神庙(欧洲西南部旧石器时代晚期)的乱石堆中发现的。经专家修复后可以看出,它是一个半兽半人的头象。有的考古学家认为,石雕面孔可能与狩猎的神秘仪式有关;也有人认为,它是一具代表人与兽或者文明与野蛮双重性格的面孔。然而,从现有的资料看,还不能就此做出最终的结论。 1981年8月《宗教历史》杂志和1981年在阿尔塔米拉召开的学术讨论会
In 1979, a Spanish and American professional archeology team led by J. Gonzalez Eschgray, curator at Altamira Museum and Lesley Freeman at the University of Chicago, In the process of El Jueluotong, a stone carving about 14,000 years ago was found (see picture below, sketch drawing above). The stone was discovered in the rubble of the Magdalena Temple (late Paleolithic in southwestern Europe) as speculated by Professor Leslie Freeman. After the expert repair can be seen, it is a semi-animal head portrait. Some archaeologists believe that the stone face may be related to the mysterious hunting ceremony; others think it is a face that represents both man and beast or civilized and brutal double personality. However, judging from available information, the ultimate conclusion can not be reached yet. 1981 August “Religious history” magazine and 1981 Symposium held in Altamira