稻叶鞘腐败病(AcrocyIindrium oryzae Sawada)是我县近年新发展起来的一种病害.近年来发生面积有所扩大,为害程度加重。1987年我县早晚稻深受其害,重病田甚至颗粒无收.为了解其发生规律,开展针对性的防治工作,我站于1988~1989年在早、晚稻上开展了叶鞘腐败病的研究工作,现整理如下。一、叶鞘腐败病对产量的影响1988年早稻成熟期,选浙幅802等当家品种各600穗,按不同发病程度分成五级,考察各级穗部经济性状。各级分级标准如下:0级:全株无病,抽穗正常;1级:1/4以下剑叶叶鞘发病,抽穗基本正常,只有少量秕谷增加;
AcrocyIindrium oryzae Sawada is a newly developed disease in our county in recent years, and the occurrence of AcrocyIindrium oryzae Sawada has been enlarged in recent years, which has aggravated the damage. In 1987, our county was affected by morning and evening rice, seriously ill and even cropless crop.In order to understand the regularity and carry out targeted prevention and cure work, we carried out the research on leaf sheath rot disease in early and late rice from 1988 to 1989 Work, are now organized as follows. First, the impact of leaf sheath rot on the yield 1988 early rice maturing period, the election of 802 varieties such as the king of all 600 spike, according to the different levels of disease were divided into five to examine the economy at all levels of spikes. Grading standards at all levels are as follows: Grade 0: No disease in the whole plant and normal heading; Grade 1: incidence of leaf sheaths in the order of 1/4, heading is basically normal,