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戏剧作为一门集文学、歌舞、表演、美术等多种艺术因素为一体的综合性艺术,在中国已有悠远的历史。即使忽略先秦时期中国戏剧的萌芽阶段,仅从元代中国戏剧的初具雏形算起,距今也有六百余年的历史了。从其发展的历史实践来看,对于戏剧的关注 As a comprehensive art integrating literature, song and dance, performance, art and many other artistic factors, drama has a long history in China. Even ignoring the embryonic stages of the Chinese drama in the pre-Qin period, counting from the early prototype of the Chinese drama in the Yuan Dynasty, it has a history of more than 600 years. Judging from the historical practice of its development, the concern for drama
中国大陆真正意义上所谓的“贺岁片”,无疑肇始于1997年。  那一年的中国电影界发生了两件大事,值得电影史铭记:一是输入的美国大片《泰坦尼克号》以其惊天动地般的气势,让国人目瞪口呆,心甘情愿奉献了空前绝后的35亿票房;另一件“大事”,则是年末上映了一部叫《甲方乙方》的“贺岁”电影,看得广大观众心情愉悦,在年终岁末之际实实快乐了一把,于是大家开始关注这个原本名不见经传的导演——冯小刚。    贺岁片