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医疗气象学研究表明,在一年四季之中,气温、气压、气流、气湿等气象要素变化无常的季节是春季。特别是早春时节“天如猴儿面,一日变三变”。 春寒虽不象寒冬腊月里“三九、四九”那样冷酷,但由于人们穿着的变化和精神上准备不足;再加上在漫长的冬季养成的抗寒能力有所下降,这时,寒邪会乘虚而入,使人致病。应特别警惕的是,寒冷、干燥的气候,直接影响呼吸道粘膜的防御功能,特别有利于流脑、流感、流腮等呼吸道传染病以及病毒性肝炎、伤寒等肠道传染病的发生和传播。临床医学统计资料还表明,麻疹、白喉、百日咳、猩红热、肺结核等呼吸道传染病的发病率,春季也远远高于其他季节。另外,春天还是心脑血管病,如高血压、中风、冠心病诱发心绞痛以及 Medical meteorology research shows that during the year, the temperature, air pressure, air flow, humidity and other weather changes in the volatile element of the season is spring. Especially in the early spring season, “Monkey-like days, changing day by day.” Though not as cold as the “39 and 49” in the winter and the twelfth lunar month, the spring cold is not enough because of the changes in people’s wear and lack of spiritual preparation. In addition, the cold resistance developed during the long winter has declined. At this time, Wicked take advantage of, make people sick. Should be particularly vigilant, cold, dry climate, a direct impact on respiratory mucosal defense function, especially conducive to meningitis, influenza, mumps and other respiratory diseases, as well as viral hepatitis, typhoid and other intestinal infectious diseases and spread. Clinical medical statistics also show that the incidence of respiratory tract infections such as measles, diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever and tuberculosis is also much higher in spring than in other seasons. In addition, the spring is still cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease-induced angina and
夏天,西红柿成了人们餐桌上常见的食物。西红柿鲜红、黄橙,色泽可爱,肉质纤细,酸甜适口,汁多味鲜,在国外有“金苹果”之美称,具有极高的营养价值。 西红柿又名番茄,北方人叫