
来源 :高考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyb112
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一年一度的高考体检就要开始了。普通高校招生体检工作是高考的重要环节,体检结果是考生填报志愿、高校录取的重要参考。因此,同学们一定要重视高考体检。现在同学们正投入在紧张的高考复习之中,如何才能让考生和家长既不为面临的体检分心,又能顺利地通过体检呢?下面给大家介绍一下高考体检的注意事项,希望能给大家带来一定的帮助。检前注意事项1.注意各县市区招生办公布的体检日程安排,了解体 The annual college entrance examination is about to begin. College entrance examination is an important part of college entrance examination, physical examination results are candidates fill in volunteer, college admission is an important reference. Therefore, students must pay attention to college entrance examination. Now students are put in the review of the nervous college entrance examination, how to make the candidates and parents are not facing the physical examination distracted, but also successfully passed the examination it? Here to introduce the physical examination of the Notes, I hope to give We bring some help. Pre-inspection precautions 1. Pay attention to the city’s enrollment office announced the physical examination schedule, understand the body
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Objective Low or moderate consumption of red wine has a greater benefit than the consumpti on of other beverages in the prevention of atherosclerosis and coron
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