翻开本期的花卉部分,您可能会觉得奇怪,怎么满篇的“花花绿绿”?又是新品专递,又是特别推荐,还有企业访谈和技术交流论坛。这和我们以前看的杂志完全是两个面目,难道你们要变风格了? 您别误会,且听我们慢慢道来。如今花卉业风起云涌,新产品、新技术一浪高过一浪。去趟花卉市场您都会惊喜地发现,又多了不少没见过的新东西。不光是作为园艺爱好者的您,那些专业的园艺企业看到层出不穷的新技术、新产品,也迫切地想了解业内的最新动态和资讯,以便在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。
Open the current part of the flower, you may find it strange, how full of “colorful”? Is the new special offer, but also highly recommended, as well as business interviews and technical exchange forum. This is exactly the same with the magazines we used to look at two aspects. Do you want to change the style? You do not misunderstand, and listen to us slowly. Now the flower industry surges, new products, new technologies wave after wave. Go to the flower market you will be pleasantly surprised to find that there are a lot of new things never seen before. Not only you as a horticultural enthusiast, those professional horticultural companies to see the endless stream of new technologies, new products, but also eager to understand the industry’s latest developments and information in order to gain a foothold in the fierce market competition.