关于儿茶这一名称,最早见于明朝湖北潜江人刘若金所著的《本草述》一书,书中记载有一个消疾的药方,是由儿茶、薄荷叶、细茶三味组成。研末制蜜丸,饭后含化三、五拉。 但是儿茶这味药,最初时,却被称为孩儿茶。见于元朝御膳太医忽思慧所撰的《饮膳正要》一书中,确是作为一种茶品而应用的。并言:“孩儿茶出广南。”“凡诸茶,味甘苦微寒、无毒。去痰热,止渴,利小便,消食下气,清神少睡。” 明朝的大医药学家李时珍第一次将孩儿茶作为药品,载入《本草纲目》中,并收集到它的2个民间俗称:乌爹泥、乌叠泥。时珍在《纲目》第七卷土部“乌爹泥”条的释名、集解项下解释说:“乌爹或作乌丁,皆番语,无正字。乌爹泥,出南番爪哇、退罗、老挝诸国,今云南等地造之。云是细茶末入竹筒中,坚塞两头,埋污泥沟中,日久取出,捣汁熬制而成。其块小而润泽者为上,块大而焦枯者次之。”并载:“气味:苦,涩,平,无毒。主治:清上隔热,化疾生津,涂金疮,一切诸疮,生肌定痛,止血收敛。”南番爪哇,应为今印度尼西亚的苏门答腊至巴座岛一带。退罗,即今泰国。乌爹,旧说以为即今印度奥里萨邦北部一带,公元7世纪中期玄奖游印度时,曾到此;但近人考证,应为今缅甸勃固一带。清·谢清高《海录》作乌土,亦译作鸟肚、乌图。由于时珍不识孩儿茶,只知?
About the name of catechu, the earliest found in the book “Ben Cao Shu” written by Liu Ruojin, a Qianjiang native of Hubei Province in the Ming Dynasty. The book contains a recipe for the elimination of diseases, consisting of catechu, mint leaves, and fine tea flavors. Grinding the end of the system of honey pill, containing three or five pull after a meal. However, this catechu medicine was originally known as baby tea. Seen in the book The Essentials of Catering, written by the imperial doctor of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Sihui, was actually applied as a tea product. And remarked: “The children have tea out of Guangnan.” “Where all tea, sweet and bitter cold, non-toxic. To heat, thirst, benefit urine, Xiaoshixiaqi, Qingshen sleep.” Ming Dynasty’s great medical scientist For the first time, Li Shizhen used Haier tea as a medicine, and was included in the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” and collected two of its folk names: Wuyi mud and Wuzai mud. Shi Zhen explained in the “Wuhan Mud” section of the “Ministry of Earth” section of the “Outline” of the Ministry of Interpretation and Settlement: “Ukrainian or Uddin, all are foreign languages, no positive characters. Wuyi mud, out of Nanfan. Java, the French retreat, the Laos, and other countries in the Laos, etc. This is made in Yunnan and other places.The cloud is the end of fine tea into the bamboo tube, firmly plug two, buried in the ditch of the sludge, take it out of time, simmer juice made of wolfberry juice. The moisturizer is the upper part, and the large block is the second most common.“ Also included: ”Smell: bitter, astringent, flat, non-toxic. Indications: Insulation on heat, fluid, fluid, sore, all the various sores, Shengjiding Pain, bleeding convergence." South Javanese, should be Indonesia’s Sumatra to Bali Island area. Retreat, nowadays Thailand. Uzbek, who used to think that this is the area where the northern part of the state of Orissa in India was visited during the middle of the 7th century AD. Qing Xie Qinggao “Hailu” was used as Utus, also translated as bird belly and Utus. Because Shizhen didn’t know baby tea, I only knew?