大海的魅力是无穷的。潮起潮落、涛惊浪涌、浪平如镜、水天一色……有人对它熟视无睹,有人见怪不怪,也有人把它看作是一本难懂的百科全书,不遗余力地去研读它,在变幻莫测中捕捉那令人动魄的瞬间,展示大海之魅力和丰富的内涵。刘安同就是在大海摄影耕耘中崭露头角的一位。 刘安同自幼酷爱韦法及绘画艺术,从部队转业到地方后改习摄影,直接把镜头对准了梦牵魂绕的大海,擅长平中见奇的创作手法,选取人人眼中皆有、人人镜中却无的独特视角,去表现大海的无尽节律。尤其是近几年,随着单位办公地点迁至海滨大厦,从百米之上的办公室窗内向外俯视大海,俯视青岛市区节比嶙次的建筑群,一览无余。这一得天独厚的条件,使他的艺术视角产生了新的飞跃,一幅幅摄影佳作应运而生。
The charm of the sea is endless. Ebb and flow, Taoting surge, Langping as a mirror, water and sky ...... Some people turn a blind eye to it, some people blame it, some people think of it as an enigmatic encyclopedia, spare no effort to study it , Captivating in an unpredictable moment that fascinating moment, showing the charm of the sea and rich connotation. Liu An Tong is in the sea photography work emerge one. With his childhood love of Weifa and the art of painting, Liu An changed his position from the military to photography and directed the camera directly at the sea of dreams and souls around. In the mirror, there is no unique perspective to express the endless rhythm of the sea. Especially in recent years, as the office space of the units has been relocated to the waterfront buildings, overlooking the sea from the office windows above 100 meters, overlooking the architectural complex of Qingdao City, there is no glance. This blessed condition has given him a new leap in artistic perspective, and a great collection of photography came into being.