到边疆去,到西部去,到祖国最需要的地方建功立业去!多少年了多少代,多少热血青年为之动容动真情,为之献出宝贵的青春年华。赵立贤就是其中之一。 70年代初,这个才20来岁的青年扛起背包从浙江嵊州踏上西去的列车,跃上海拔2000余米的青藏高原。他,初中毕业,插过队种过田。江南水乡与高原古城似乎有天壤之别;然而,更接近太阳,紫外线分外充足。在赵立贤眼前展现的是一片广阔的新天地,他站进了高原交通运输的职工行列。
Go to the border, go to the west, go to the most needed place in the motherland and build your own merits! How many years, how many generations, and how many passionate youths will move their true feelings and dedicate their precious youth. Zhao Lixian is one of them. In the early 1970s, this 20-year-old youth took up a backpack traveling from Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province, to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, 2,000 meters above sea level. He graduated from junior high school, crossed the team over the field. There seems to be a world of difference between the Jiangnan Water and the ancient plateau; however, closer to the sun, ultraviolet light is exceptionally adequate. In front of Zhao Lixian shows is a vast new world, he stood into the ranks of the ranks of transportation workers.