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近年来,园林上介壳虫发生较为普遍,其中以白蜡介(又名日本龟蜡介)为害尤甚。一、寄主:白蜡介食性较杂,寄主主要有女贞、水腊、海桐、石榴、花桃、梅花、月季、桂花等。二、症状:该虫主要以若虫和雌成虫在枝梢上吸吮汁液为害,常致使寄主枝叶干枯。此外,白蜡介还可引致煤污病的发生,复合感染严重时,可导致寄主整株枯死。三、发生现律:该虫一年发生一代。以受精雌成虫在枝干上越冬。翌春3月底开始孕卵,5月大量产卵,6月上旬至7月中旬为孵化盛期。幼虫孵出后爬至叶上为害。8月,雄若虫在叶上化蛹、羽化,交尾后即死;雌若虫则由叶部转至枝干为害,直至越冬。近几年,在江淮地区、女贞行道树和水腊篱上白蜡介大量发生,以致一些城市的园林部门发出了“向介壳虫宣战”的口号。究其原因,这可能与近几年夏季持续高温干旱以 In recent years, the garden scale insects occurred more common, of which white wax mediated (also known as turtle wax mediated) particularly harmful. First, the host: white wax more complex diet, the main host privet, water wax, Pittosporum, pomegranate, Peach, plum, rose, osmanthus and so on. Second, the symptoms: The insects mainly to nymphs and female adults sucking on the shoot damage, often lead to the host branch leaves dry. In addition, ash can also lead to the occurrence of coal pollution, complex infection can lead to the death of the entire host dead. Third, the occurrence of the current law: the pest occurred a year. Fertilized female adults on the branches of the winter. The end of March next spring start pregnancy eggs, a large number of spawning in May, early June to mid July for the incubation period. After larvae hatch to leaf damage. In August, the male nymphs pupate on the leaves, eclosion, dead after mating; female nymphs from leaves to branch damage, until winter. In recent years, in the Jianghuai region, the tree wax on the virginity road and the white wax on the water fence have taken place so much that some of the city’s garden authorities have issued the slogan “Declaring war on scale insects”. The reason, which may be sustained with the recent high temperature and drought in summer
1988年6月湖南省湘潭市某学校因生活锅炉清除水垢不当,致饮水中亚硝酸钠含量过高引起14人中毒。 中毒经过及原因分析:88年6月26日学校请某作业组为其生活锅炉清除水垢,当日
【摘 要】《机械制图》是所有机械专业的主干专业基础课,为了使学生尽快地适应社会的要求,我们教育工作者——老师肩负着非常重要的作用。本文从我个人多年教学中总结出几点体会,以供大家参考。  【关键词】机械制图;讨论法;层次教学法;理论联系实际法;实验法  本人从事多年的《机械制图》教学,并且在工厂也从事过机械设计十多年,长期与图纸打交道。从教学实践中谈点体会,供大家一起讨论。  1、首先,教师是课堂教
本文建立了一种利用高效液相色谱-串联质谱定量检测婴幼儿食品中牛乳铁蛋白的方法。试样经溶解稀释后,牛胰蛋白酶酶解,用含0.1%甲酸的水和乙腈作为流动相,经BEH300 C18反相色谱柱
当前,酒葡萄产业红红火火,效益极佳,酒葡萄栽植面积也以极快的速度增长。广大农户栽植酒葡萄时应注意八个问题: 一、注意适地适栽酿酒葡萄对含糖量、含酸量的要求比鲜食品种
目的 调查社区老年男性寂寞感现状并对其影响因素进行分析,为改善老年男性寂寞感,提高晚年生活质量提供依据.方法 选取唐山市10个社区卫生服务中心辖区居民中年龄≥75岁的老