走在长沙的街头,我们总无法摆脱一种情结、无法走出一种氛围,身心总在不自觉中飞古越今:一千多年前,程灏、程颐、朱熹以重新审视和诠释儒学的态度在这儿著书讲学,开创了理学一派;四百年前,少年从军,曾“运筹帷幄,决胜千里”的王阳明结束了自己喋血疆场的生活,收拾起自己立功扬名的心情,开始严肃地审视文化、审视人生、逼视自己的灵魂;更近一些的时候,我们依稀又看到一个意气风发的年轻人傲立橘子洲头,正“指点江山、激扬文字”…… 湖南的文化是有传承的,站在这里,你无法不进入一种背景、一种历史,你无法理智、也无法平静,近代史学家在审视中国近代革命时曾留给后人一个回味无穷的话题:“天下不可一日无湖南”!即使是现在,湖南人也不无自豪地说:“无湘不成军”,体育湘军、电视湘军、媒体湘军风摩全国,而《体坛周报》社长兼总编辑的瞿优远,无疑是媒体湘军的代表人物之一。 短短的十余年,《体坛周报》由最初的发行量几万份到单周发行量300多万份,从一个地方性的小报发展成为全国发行量最大的体育性报纸,这是湘江之畔的一个神话。 《体坛周报》社长兼总编瞿优远由一个乡间少年成为湘江报王的故事,是一个真正的传奇。
Walking in the streets of Changsha, we can not always get out of a complex and can not get out of an atmosphere. We are always unconscious in our lives. More than a thousand years ago, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi re-examined and interpreted Confucianism Attitude here is a book teaching, creating a school of Neo-Confucianism; four hundred years ago, adolescent army, had “strategizing, winning a thousand miles,” Wang Yangming ended his life bloody battlefield, picked up their own meritorious demeanor, began to seriously examine the culture More recently, we vaguely saw a young man of high spirits proudly standing on the head of the Orange Island. He was “pointing the country and boosting the writing.” ... Hunan’s culture is inherited, Here, you can not enter without a background, a history, you can not be rational, can not calm, modern historians have left afforded future generations a memorable topic in the review of modern Chinese revolution: “The world can not be without a day Hunan ”Even now, Hunan people are also proud to say:“ No Xiang not a military, ”Hunan Sports, Hunan Xiang TV, the media Xiangfamunuo country, and“ Sports Weekly ”president and chief editor Qu Youyuan is undoubtedly one of the representatives of the media and the Hunan army. Just ten years, “Sports Weekly” from the initial circulation of tens of thousands of copies to a single week circulation of more than 3000000 copies, from a local tabloid developed into the national circulation of the largest sports newspaper, which is Xiangjiang A myth of the bank. “Sports Weekly” president and editor-in-chief Qu Youyuan from a country boy Xiangjiang Wang reported the story is a real legend.