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目的 :比较大肠息肉电切前活检与电切后息肉组织的临床病理状况。方法 :回顾 5年间在我院接受大肠息肉电切的病例 ,对比分析每一病例电切前、后的临床报告及病理诊断 ,要求 :电切前后的病理来源于同一息肉 ;对多次电切病例只取第 1次进入病例分析 ;多发息肉患者取第 1枚电切息肉入组 ,其余排除 ;去除电切前活检已有癌变的病例。结果 :在 2 2 0例病例中符合要求的病例共 1 2 0例 ,年龄 59.8± 1 3 .3 ,其中男性占65 .8% ;活检和电切病理诊断不符合率为 33 .3 % (40 / 1 2 0 ) (P <0 .0 1 ) ;活检和电切分别诊断腺瘤性息肉 88例(73 .3 % )和 1 0 0例 (83 .3 % ) ,其中不典型增生分别有 2 9例 (33 .0 % )和 46例 (46 .0 % ) (P <0 .1 ) ;电切后发现5例腺瘤性息肉癌变 ,占 5 % (5/ 1 0 0 ) ,全部来源于 2 7例绒毛状腺瘤 (占其中 1 8.5 % ) ;活检诊为炎性息肉和增生性息肉的病例 ,电切后分别有 60 % (1 5/ 2 5)和 4/ 7被诊断为其它息肉类型 ;电切后发现活检未曾诊断的幼年性息肉 2例、间质瘤 2例、平滑肌瘤 1例 ;绒毛状腺瘤的直径较大 ,为 1 .43± 0 .58cm ,其余各型息肉直径平均为 1cm左右 ;癌变息肉直径最大 ,达 1 .8± 0 .57cm ,其最小直径是 1cm。结论 :大肠息肉电切前后的临床病理存在较大差异 ,活检有? Objective: To compare the clinicopathological features of polyp tissue after biopsy and resection of polyp. Methods: To review the cases of colorectal polyp resection in our hospital during the past 5 years, to compare the clinical reports and pathological diagnosis of each case before and after the transurethral resection. The requirements are as follows: the pathology before and after the resection is from the same polyp; Only the first case into the case analysis; polyp polyp patients take the first piece of resection polyp into the group, the rest excluded; removal of biopsy before the cut has been the case of cancer. Results: Of the 220 cases, 120 cases were eligible, with a mean age of 59.8 ± 13.3%, of whom 65.8% were male; the non-coincidence rate of biopsy and electrosurgical diagnosis was 33.3% ( (P <0.01). There were 88 cases (73.3%) and 100 cases (83.3%) of adenomatous polyps diagnosed by biopsy and electrosurgical excision, respectively, of which dysplasia There were 29 cases (33.0%) and 46 cases (46.0%) of them (P <0.01). After resection, 5 cases of adenomatous polyps were found to be cancerous, accounting for 5% (5/100) All of them originated from 27 cases of villous adenoma (accounting for 8.5% of them). Biopsy showed inflammatory polyps and hyperplastic polyps. After the resection, 60% (15/2 5) and 4/7 Diagnosed as other types of polyps; after resection found no biopsy of juvenile polyps in 2 cases, 2 cases of stromal tumors, 1 cases of leiomyoma; villous adenoma diameter larger, 1.43 ± 0 .58 cm, The remaining types of polyps average diameter of about 1cm; cancerous polyps the largest diameter, up to 1.8 ± 0.57cm, the minimum diameter is 1cm. Conclusion: There is a big difference in the clinicopathological features of the polyps before and after resection of the polyps.
本文报道了鲁梅克斯 K-1杂交酸模牧草在西昌市的种植情况,结果此牧草年产鲜草21459kg/亩,但其水肥条件、管理要求远高于豆科牧草,不适宜在浅山及二半山大面积种植,坝区水肥条
本文从地质勘探,设计改革和施工组织三方面简要阐述加快煤矿建设降低工程选价的途径,以适应新形势对能源建设的需要. This article briefly elaborates the ways of speedin
王瑶,女,五岁起开始学习摄影,11岁以一张《开学了》获1981年全国好新闻一等奖。中学担任北京市中学生通讯社社长。 1988年在中国人民大学新闻系摄影专业学习,成绩优异。1992