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客货运输机动性和可达性的改善为城市群的发展提供了竞争优势。本文论述了中国三大城市群(首都经济圈、长三角都市圈及珠三角都市圈)的机动性及其发展趋势,并阐述了以城市群为核心的规划模式,为解决城市的交通问题提供新思路与机会。本文将中国的城市群交通模式和规划思路与美国和欧洲进行了对比,比较结果表明中国的现有客货流趋势不利于能源及环境的长期可持续发展。为了实现提高交通效率和减小环境污染的双重目标,城市群交通发展应着重于轨道交通,尤其是高速铁路的规划及建设。 The improvement of mobility and accessibility of passenger and freight transport has provided a competitive advantage for the development of urban agglomerations. This paper discusses the mobility and development trend of the three major urban agglomerations in China (the Capital Economic Zone, the Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Region and the Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region), and expounds the planning model with urban agglomerations as the core and provides solutions to the urban traffic problems New ideas and opportunities. This paper compares China's urban agglomeration traffic patterns and planning ideas with the United States and Europe. The results show that the current trend of passenger and freight traffic in China is not conducive to the long-term sustainable development of energy and the environment. In order to achieve the dual goals of improving traffic efficiency and reducing environmental pollution, the development of urban agglomeration should focus on the planning and construction of rail transit, especially high-speed railway.
摘要:随着全省教育现代化的普及,大批学校实现了“三尺讲台,一根粉笔”向“一台电脑,一个投影仪”的跨越,我校也在几年前就实现了班班有投影等现代化教学设备.在实践中现代化教学手段的优势逐渐显现,多媒体课件被广泛应用于物理教学中,我校已实现每一节课都有由备课组统一讨论,精心制作的课件,每位教师都能主动使用课件.本文就多媒体与传统板书有机结合进行探讨.  关键词:多媒体课件;板书;物理教学  一、多媒体课