本刊讯 韩国厂商JNC日前向国内市场推出一款MP3播放机产品DATUM MH-228。该产品拥有图像LCD兼背影灯显示,简单的功能键设计更易于操作,配合前卫的金属质感外壳,更适合追求新潮的年轻一族。MH-228支持MP3/WMA格式以及多达8种的EQ播放模式,其独特的设计使低音及高音错落有致,音效
The newsletter South Korean manufacturer JNC recently introduced to the domestic market an MP3 player product DATUM MH-228. The product has an image LCD and backlight display, simple function keys designed to be easier to operate, with the avant-garde metal texture shell, more suitable for the pursuit of the trendy young family. MH-228 supports MP3 / WMA format and up to 8 kinds of EQ playback mode, its unique design makes the bass and treble patchwork, sound