一八六八年,日本的经济发展水平略高于当时的非州和亚州国家。此后,日本的实际人均国民总产值之增长一直为世界第一。如包括一九五○年代在内,则为仅次于瑞典的世界第二,发展中的亚州正向东眺望,企图从日本这个主要的非西方工业国吸取发展经验。由于近年来美国经济的缓慢增长,“现代派”理论家们主张把资本主义的日本做为取代苏联的模式。 从一六三八年到一八六○年,尽管德川幕府的将军们把日本隔绝于外国影响,然而,同现今的许多发展中国家相比,他们却给日本的现代化留下了更多的有利遗产。十九世纪中叶的封建时期的日本具有可同英国相比的识字率,有相当完整的运输系统和发达的税收制度,有高度商业化的农业—每英亩的劳动生产率超过当今的东南亚。此外,还有高度商业化的行会和家族垄断的作坊。这些作坊生产丝绸、米酒、菜油、棉布、蜡烛和其它为民族市场,尤其为东京、大阪和京都的城市人口生产的加工产品。
In 1868, Japan’s economic development level was slightly higher than the then non-state and Asian states. Since then, Japan’s real per capita GNP growth has consistently ranked first in the world. As second only to Sweden, including the 1950s, developing Asia is looking eastward in an attempt to draw on its development experience from Japan, a major non-Western industrialized nation. Due to the slow economic growth in the United States in recent years, “modernist” theorists advocate capitalist Japan as a model for replacing the Soviet Union. Although the generals of the Tokugawa shogunate isolated Japan from foreign influences from 1638 to 1860, they left Japan with more modernization than many of today’s developing countries Good heritage In feudal Japan in the mid-nineteenth century, Japan had literacy rates comparable to those in the United Kingdom, a fairly complete transport system and a well-developed tax system. Highly commercialized agriculture-more labor productivity per acre than in today’s South-East Asia. There are also highly commercial guilds and family monopolies. These workshops produce silk, rice wine, vegetable oil, cotton cloth, candles and other processed products produced for the urban markets of ethnic markets, especially in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto.