Technology and test results of space adaptability of passive hydrogen maser

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dmf625
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Based on the operating principle and the electric property design of the passive hydrogen maser, the technology and test results of its space adaptability are carried out under the special launch conditions and space environment. The various perturbations affecting the output frequency of such a standard used for the navigation satellite system are specified, such as magnetic field change, vibration, thermal vacuum and radiation. Through the adaptability technology in the aspects above, the security and reliability of the space passive hydrogen maser sufficiently fulfill the requirements of space operation. At present, the space passive hydrogen maser is working normally on board, indicating that the space adaptability satisfies the design requirement. Based on the operating principle and the electric property design of the passive hydrogen maser, the technology and test results of its space adaptability are carried out under the special launch conditions and space environment. The various perturbations affecting the output frequency of such a standard used for the navigation satellite system are specified, such as as magnetic field change, vibration, thermal vacuum and radiation. Through the adaptability technology in the aspect above, the security and reliability of the space passive hydrogen maser adequately fulfill the requirements of space operation. At present, the space passive hydrogen maser is working normally on board, indicating that the space adaptability satisfies the design requirement.
加速器质谱法(accelerator mass spectrometry,AMS)是20世纪70年代末才在国际上兴起的一种超灵敏的核分析技术,主要用于测量样品中长寿命放射性核素和稳定核素的同位素丰度比,从而推断样品的年龄或进行示踪研究.与传统
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