1例37岁男性患者服用痔血胶囊(剂量不详)约2周后出现乏力、纳差、尿黄、皮肤和巩膜黄染。肝功能检查示:ALT2966 U/L,AST1865 U/L,TBil 96.7μmol/L,DBil 56.9μmol/L。入院第4天患者肝功能检查示:ALT946.9 U/L,AST164.7U/L,TBil 200.9μmol/L,DBil 130.1μmol/L;PT20.4 s,PTA30.9%,INR 1.65。给予对症治疗,10 d后患者症状好转。入院后1个月,患者ALT为36 U/L,AST为20.4 U/L,TBil为29.2μmol/L,DBil为17.0μmol/L。PT和嗜酸粒细胞计数均恢复正常。
A 37-year-old male undergoing hemorrhoids Capsule (unknown dose) showed yellowing after 4 weeks of fatigue, anorexia, urine yellow, skin and sclera. Liver function tests showed: ALT 2966 U / L, AST1865 U / L, TBil 96.7μmol / L, DBil 56.9μmol / L. On the fourth day after admission, liver function tests showed ALT946.9 U / L, AST164.7U / L, TBil 200.9μmol / L, DBil 130.1μmol / L, PT20.4 s, PTA30.9% and INR 1.65. Give symptomatic treatment, 10 days after the patient’s symptoms improved. One month after admission, the patients had ALT of 36 U / L, AST of 20.4 U / L, TBil of 29.2 μmol / L and DBil of 17.0 μmol / L. PT and eosinophil count returned to normal.