皮肤粘膜淋巴综合征(Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome)简称MCLS,由日本川畸于1960年首先报告,1976年正式命名为川畸病(Kawasaki disease简称KD)。此病为一种病因未明的小儿急性热性发疹性疾病,临床以发热、皮疹、手足硬性水肿,结膜充血、口腔粘膜改变、杨莓舌和劲淋巴结肿大为特点。此病日本发病率最高。自1974年以来,世界各地病例报告不断增加,研究进展较快,兹综述如下。
Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome, referred to as MCLS, was first reported by Chuanxu in 1960 and formally named as Kawasaki disease (KD) in 1976. The disease is an etiology in children with acute hot rash disease, clinically with fever, rash, hand and foot edema, conjunctival hyperemia, changes in oral mucosa, Yang Jian tongue and strong lymph nodes is characterized. The incidence of the disease in Japan the highest. Since 1974, the number of case reports from all over the world has been increasing and the research progress has been rapid. The following is a summary of the results.