中华全国总工会发出的《关于切实做好维护进城务工人员合法权益工作的通知》,要求各级工会采取有力措施,依法把进城务工人员组织到工会中来,并协同有关部门,切实解决当前侵犯进城务工人员合法权益的突出问题。这是全总首次就维护进城务工人员合法权益问题发布的文件。 进城务工人员是新兴的以工
The Notice on Effectively Protecting the Legal Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers in Cities by All-China Federation of Trade Unions requires all trade unions at all levels to take effective measures to organize migrant workers in the labor unions according to law and to work with the relevant departments to effectively solve this problem The outstanding problems that currently encroach upon the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in cities. This is the first time that the entire government has released documents on safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in cities. Migrant workers are new workers