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中国演艺产业在建设文化强国、全面深化改革和经济发展新常态背景中赢得了与金融融合的良机。但是遇到收益不确定性较强和资产的可抵押性较弱两大问题,存在一系列风险。为了使风险在可控范围之内:一是要从风险的来源角度准确识别风险;二是采取模糊综合评判法,通过选取因素集、因素加权、备择评语、确定评判矩阵四个步骤科学评估风险;最终为风险处理措施的选择提供依据,从而推进演艺产业与金融融合的水平,获得良好的绩效。 The Chinese entertainment industry has enjoyed a golden opportunity to integrate with finance in the context of building a powerful nation in culture and comprehensively deepening the reform and economic development. However, there are a series of risks encountered in the two major issues of strong earnings uncertainty and weak assets collateralization. In order to make the risk within the controllable range: First, to accurately identify the risk from the perspective of the source of the risk; Second, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, through the selection of factors, weighting, alternative reviews, determine the matrix of four scientific evaluation Risk; and ultimately provide the basis for the selection of risk management measures, so as to promote the level of integration of the performing arts industry and finance and achieve good performance.
社会保险标准化 建立服务秩序2012年2月1日,《社会保险服务总则》《社会保障服务中心设施设备要求》,作为首批发布的社会保险领域国家标准开始实施。到目前为止,已颁布17项社
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield