Development of Microstructure and Texture Heterogeneities during Static Annealing of Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwguomin
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The effect of annealing temperature on the development of microstructure and texture in an α+β titanium alloy Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si (TC11) preformed by hot working was investigated with the aid of electron back-scattered diffraction and X-ray diffraction measurements. It is shown that considerable microstructure and texture heterogeneities were developed in the cross-section of the hot-worked rod due to the non-uniform deformation. Subsequent annealing at 940℃ and 990℃ led to homogeneous microstructures with globular α grains, whereas a typical lamellar α+β microstructure was obtained after annealing at 1040℃. In the latter case, the Burgers orientation relationship was well preserved between the two phases in a single colony. The α lamellar within a given colony depicted similar crystallographic orientations and the boundary α grains shared the orientation of one of the neighboring α lamellar. In contrast, subsequent annealing had very limited effect on the main features of the textures, indicating strong inheritance of the texture heterogeneity in annealing. It is thus crucial to control the hot working process in order to achieve a high level of texture homogeneity in the final parts. The effect of annealing temperature on the development of microstructure and texture in an α + β titanium alloy Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si (TC11) preformed by hot working was investigated with the aid of electron back-scattered diffraction and X-ray diffraction measurements. It is shown that considerable microstructure and texture heterogeneities were developed in the cross-section of the hot-worked rod due to the non-uniform deformation. Subsequent annealing at 940 ° C and 990 ° C led to homogeneous microstructures with In the latter case, the Burgers orientation relationship was well preserved between the two phases in a single colony. similar to the one in a single colony. Similar terms for "a lamellar within a given lamellar α + β microstructure was obtained after annealing at 1040 ° C crystallographic orientations and the boundary α grains shared the orientation of one of the neighboring α lamellar. In contrast, subsequent annealing had very limited effect on the main fea tures of the textures, indicating strong inheritance of the texture heterogeneity in annealing. It is thus crucial to control the hot working process in order to achieve a high level of texture homogeneity in the final parts.
一九八六年绥中县物价局正式成立,绥中县物价检查所成为县物价局的一个职能部门。检查所成立20年来, 严格按照《规范化基层物价检查所标准》加强自身建设,认真学习,努力工作,内强素质,外树形象,积极开展创建活动,极大地促进了检查工作的开展。    一、注重学习,加强检查队伍的自身建设    为提高检查人员的思想政治觉悟、道德素质和业务能力,绥中县物价检查所制定了学习制度和具体的学习计划,把每周五确定为学
通过实践发现,成就评价体系的好坏决定了高中教育评价的质量,所以应该不断完善学业成就评价体系。虽然对高中英语教学工作实行学业成就评价已经多年,但是仍然存在一些问题,这些问题的存在影响了高中英语教师对学生学习情况的掌握。  1. 高中英语学业成就评价中存在的缺陷  1.1单一的学业成就评价工具  高中英语学业评价偏向于注重纸笔的测试,内容上只关注对知识理论的记忆。而且,其评价形式力求使其与高考试卷结构
摘 要:培养学生良好的思维能力,能够让学生更好地学习数学。课堂教学中,要设计有效的问题,引导学生积极思维,让学生主动参与,自主探索,发展学生的思维能力,提升数学教学效果。主要就数学教学中设计提出有效的问题,让学生在独立思考解决问题的基础上,发展学生思维能力进行了深入阐述。  关键词:小学数学;设计问题;积极动手  社会的不断发展,促使人们对数学教学的要求越来越高,不仅要求让学生学习基础的数学知识、