近年在读一本体育方面的书时,做过一张文摘卡: 运动员的成绩竟与时间有关。每当夕阳西下时,有些跳跃运动员感到特别兴奋,全身精力充沛,能轻松地跳过较高的高度;而体操和举重运动员又往往在晚上7至9时最能集中力量,干净利落地完成高难度的动作和举起最大的重量。我国优秀的举重运动员多次打破世界纪录往往都在这个时候。祖国医学认为,这个时间正是肾经兴旺之际,“肾主骨,技巧出焉”。卡片的末尾写道:参见《创纪录的时间秘密》一文。这篇文章介绍了国外研究者在这方面的研究成果: 下午4时是创造游泳纪录的时间;下午6时28分是创造跳跃纪录时间;而晚上7时21分是创造长跑纪录的时间……这是因为一种对人体活动有直接影响的激素——可的松,是上午8时左右分泌的,产生最
In recent years, when reading a book on sports, she made a digest card: the performance of an athlete was actually related to time. Some jumping athletes feel particularly excited every time the setting sun goes down, they are energetic and can easily skip higher altitudes. Gymnasts and weightlifters, on the other hand, are most likely to concentrate and finish neatly from 7 to 9 pm Difficult movements and lifted the greatest weight. Our best weightlifter often broke the world record at this time. Motherland medicine believes that this time is the occasion of the development of kidney, “kidney of bone, skills out of Yan.” Write at the end of the card: See the article entitled “A Record Time Secret.” This article introduces the foreign researchers in this area of research results: 4 pm is to create a swimming record time; 6:28 pm is to create a jump record time; and 7:21 pm is the time to create long-distance record ... ... This is because a cortisone that has a direct effect on human activity is secreted at about 8 am,