1.概述杭州柴油机总厂生产的双鸟牌R175型柴油机是1975年与上海内燃机研究所等单位联合设计研制的。1978年通过鉴定,1980年批量生产。自投产以来,几经技术和质量攻关,使该机的使用可靠性、性能稳定性、经济性指标逐年提高,先后获得了省优、部优和国优称号。据国家内燃机质量检测中心1988年8月抽检后认定,双鸟牌R175柴油机产品与日本1984年生产的同类样机TS80C相比,主要性能指标达到或超过了该样机实测水平。 1.1 结构型式及应用 R175柴油机为单缸、四冲程、气缸排列形式为卧式、水冷却式。它广泛应用于小型固定式作业的农业机械,例如农用水泵、喷灌、船用挂桨、小型发电机组以及脱粒、插秧机等。随着农村运输业的发展,它又成为4.4kW(6马力)手扶拖拉机、机动三轮车的主要配套动力。它以外型美观、性能指
1. Overview Hangzhou Diesel Engine Plant produced double bird R175 diesel engine in 1975 with the Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute and other units jointly designed and developed. Passed the identification in 1978, mass production in 1980. Since put into production, several technical and quality research, so that the use of aircraft reliability, performance stability, economic indicators have increased year by year, has won the provincial gifted, Bu You and Guoyou title. According to the National Internal Combustion Engine Quality Inspection Center in 1988 August after sampling found that double bird R175 diesel engine products produced in Japan in 1984 similar prototype TS80C, the main performance indicators meet or exceed the actual level of the prototype. 1.1 Structure Type and Application R175 diesel engine is a single cylinder, four-stroke, cylinder arrangement is horizontal, water-cooled. It is widely used in small fixed-type agricultural machinery, such as agricultural pumps, sprinkler irrigation, marine hanging paddle, small generators and threshing, transplanter and so on. With the development of rural transport industry, it has become the main auxiliary power of 4.4kW (6 horsepower) walking tractors and motor tricycles. It looks good, performance refers to