According to Mr. Hirayuno, the cause of complaint is the fact that the prosecutor accused. The cause of complaint can be modified by the prosecutor to some extent within the scope of the “sameness of fact of public prosecution”. The court has no power or obligation to change the cause of action, Even if the prosecutor is ordered to change the cause of action, the order does not have the effect of forming a new cause of action. However, the applicable law is the power of the court and the court may alter the charges charged by the prosecutor without changing the cause of action. China can learn from the experience of Japan’s v. Vindication system, clarify the boundaries of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings by clarifying the causes of vindication, and separate the jurisdiction from the public prosecution to prevent courts from alienating themselves into prosecutors to protect the rights of defendants, And achieve fair, efficient, authoritative and other value goals. Without the cause of complaint system, our courts draw on the principle of v. V. Reformism and can also separately deal with the allegations of change according to different circumstances.