我们怀着十分沉痛的心情悼念原临汾地区农机局办公室主任、前山西农机临汾通联站副站长、共产党员李义利同志。 2001年 2月 3日,他被病魔夺去了生命。 1934年 4月生于襄汾县汾城镇定兴村的李义利同志, 14岁就参加工作,在半个世纪的革命生涯中,他几乎走遍了临汾地区的山山水
We are very saddened to pay tribute to the original Linfen District Agricultural Bureau office director, deputy director of Shanxi Agricultural Machinery Linfen Link Station, Communist Party member Comrade Li Yi Li. February 3, 2001, he was killed by the sickness. He was born in April 1934 in Dingxing Village, Fencheng Town, Xiangfen County. At the age of 14, he took part in the work. During the half-century revolutionary career, he traveled almost all the mountains and rivers in Linfen area