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李某,男,28岁。工人。1982年11月7日初诊。患者因饮食不节复感外寒起病,发热(40℃)、恶寒、头身痛楚,旋即延医诊视,医以银翘散加减服2剂无效。即往成宁县人民医院内科住院治疗,肌注抗菌素、湃热镇痛等药后热退而病势日益深重。内科延请数医会诊。一致认为有“肠伤寒”并发肠出血或肠穿孔之可能,但作肥达氏反应检查为阴性,决定输血300毫升以图挽救。事后病势未减,愈见危笃,众医棘手,遂邀余诊视。病者身已不热,腹部扪之如鼓,小腹疼痛,呻吟於床褥,小便短少,大便七八日未行,不进糜粥,不寐,卧床身不能动弹。舌苔白滑而厚腻,脉弦紧,重按无力而空虚。证系病邪深入少阴之脏寒证,阳气大衰,阴寒内盛,寒水阴气内结,腹内阴霾四布,发热虽退但寒已极,方用通 Lee, male, 28 years old. worker. Newly diagnosed on November 7, 1982. In addition, the patient’s coldness, fever, (40°C), chills, and head pain caused by the lack of diet caused him to delay medical examinations. The doctor treated with Yinqiao Powder was ineffective. That is, Chengning County People’s Hospital Department of internal medicine hospital treatment, intramuscular injection of antibiotics, antipyretic analgesic and other drugs heat retreat and the disease is increasingly serious. Internal medicine delayed consultations with several doctors. It was agreed that “enteral typhoid fever” may be associated with intestinal hemorrhage or intestinal perforation, but it was negative to test for fatal reaction. It was decided that 300 milliliters of blood transfusion would be saved. Afterwards, the disease has not diminished, and the more critical it is, the more intractable the doctors are, and more than others are invited. The patient was not hot, his abdomen was squeaking like a drum, his lower abdomen was painful, he was in bed, his urine was short, and the stool did not work on July 18th. He did not enter the porridge, and he could not move while lying in bed. The tongue coating is white and thick and greasy. The pulse string is tight, and it is weak and empty. Syndrome is infiltrated into the chilly and dirty viscera cold syndrome, the yang qi is bad, the yin cold inside Sheng, the cold water yin inside the knot, the intra-abdominal haze four cloth, although the fever is retreating but the cold is extremely, Fang Yongtong
研究了白花曼陀罗(Datura metel)叶和根提取物,对离体大鼠子宫和直肠平滑肌收缩力的影响,并与东莨菪碱和乙酰胆碱进行了比较。考察根提取物是否能对大鼠子宫和直肠平滑肌标
研究三七总皂甙(PNS)对麻醉Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠脑循环的影响,并与维拉帕米(Ver)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)进行比较。用电磁流量计测定脑血流量(CBF),以股动脉平均血压(MBP)除以CBF为脑血管阻力(CVR),结果为:PNS50~200mg·kg-1 iv使大鼠的MBP和CVR分别下降14~21%和8~22%,Ver30ug·
应用反相高效液相色谱法,以大黄酸为定量指标,推断糖尿灵中结合蒽醌含量高低与泻下作用的关系。本法加样回收率为102.24%,重现性试验RSD=3.59%。此方法简便易行。 Reversed-phase high-performa