ON December 4, 1997, thecity of Lijiang in north-west Yunnan Provincebecame one of the twoChinese historical andcultural cities registered onUNESCO’s World Heritage List.The World Heritage Committeedescribed the city as having“retained an historic townscape ofhigh quality and authenticity. Itsarchitecture is noteworthy for theblending of elements from severalcultures that have come together
ON December 4, 1997, thecity of Lijiang in north-west Yunnan Provincebecame one of the twoChinese historical andcultural cities registered onUNESCO’s World Heritage List. The World Heritage Committeedescribed the city as having ”retained an historic townscape ofhigh quality and authenticity. Itsarchitecture is noteworthy for theblending of elements from severalcultures that have come together