2002年9月,来自世界各地的主要核专家出席了IAEA大会期间召开的科学论坛。印度尼西亚核管理委员会主席MDhammad Ridwan先生向大会做了总结报告。报告着重介绍了在核电寿命周期管理、核知识管理和核保安3个论坛专题分组会上讨论的要点。报告全文如下: 在IAEA大会第46届常会期间组织的第5次科学论坛于2002年9月17—18日在维也纳的奥地利中心举行,论坛的3个专题为:核动力——寿命周期管理;核知
In September 2002, leading nuclear experts from all over the world attended the scientific forum held during the IAEA Conference. Mr. MDhammad Ridwan, Chairman of the Indonesian Nuclear Regulatory Commission, made a summary report to the General Assembly. The report highlights key points discussed during the thematic subgroups of the three forums on nuclear power life cycle management, nuclear knowledge management and nuclear security. The full report reads as follows: The 5th Scientific Forum, organized during the 46th regular session of the IAEA General Assembly, was held at the Austria Center in Vienna from 17 to 18 September 2002. The three thematic forums were: Nuclear Power - Life Cycle Management; Know