继承"两弹一星"精神 再树空间事业新丰碑——中国空间技术研究院院长袁家军在"东方红"一号卫星诞生地纪念碑揭幕仪式上的讲话

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1958年5月17日,毛泽东主席发出了“我们也要搞人造卫星”的伟大号召,新中国从此踏上了开拓太空的征程。经过广大航天科技工作者奋发图强、拚搏奉献,1970年4月24日,中国人完全依靠自己的力量研制成功的首颗卫星“东方红”一号成功地进入了茫茫太空。“东方红”一号卫星的发射成功,打破了前苏联、欧美等国家对航天尖端技术的垄断,进一步奠定了我国在国际上的大国地位,自此,中国成为世界上第五个能够自主研制和发射人造地球卫星的国家。为了纪念“东方红”一号卫星发射成功35周年,2005年4月21日,中国空间技术研究院在北京卫星制造厂举行了隆重的“东方红”一号卫星诞生地纪念碑揭幕仪式。揭幕仪式上,原航空航天工业部副部长、“东方红”一号卫星技术总负责人、“两弹一星”功勋奖章获得者孙家栋院士,中国航天科技集团公司企业文化部刘林宗部长及中国空间技术研究院领导一起为“东方红”一号卫星诞生地纪念碑揭幕。出席揭幕仪式的还有“两弹一星”功勋奖章获得者王希季院士,中国航天界著名科学家闵桂荣院士、屠善澄院士、戚发轫院士、中国空间技术研究院领导,以及刚入院不久的新员工。 On May 17, 1958, Chairman Mao Zedong issued the great call of “We also want to make artificial satellites.” Since then, new China has embarked on a journey to open up space. On April 24, 1970, after the vast number of space scientists worked hard and dedication, the first satellite successfully developed by the Chinese based on their own strength, “Dongfanghong”, successfully entered the vast space. The success of the launch of “Dongfanghong” No. 1 satellite broke the monopoly of the advanced technology of the space shuttle in countries such as the former Soviet Union, Europe and the United States and further laid down China’s position as a big power in the world. Since then, China has become the world’s fifth able Countries that independently develop and launch artificial Earth satellites. In commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the successful launch of “Dongfanghong” No.1 satellite, on April 21, 2005, China Academy of Space Technology held a grand monument to the birth of the “Dongfanghong” No.1 satellite at the Beijing Satellite Factory ceremony. Unveiling ceremony, the former vice minister of aerospace industry, “Dongfanghong ” satellite technology chief, “two bombs and one satellite ” feats medalist Sun Jiandong Academy of Sciences, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Culture Department Liu Linzong Together with the leaders of China Academy of Space Technology, the ministers unveiled the monument to the birthplace of “Dongfanghong” No.1 satellite. Attendance of the unveiling ceremony included academician Wang Xiji, academician Min Guirong, academician Tu Chengcheng, academician Qi Fafan, leader of China Academy of Space Technology and famous scientist of China’s space industry, as well as new recruits shortly after admission .
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