The theory of humanized design of the park

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  Abstract: Building at this stage of urban planning and architectural space atmosphere build, there are many problems such as a "inhumane", worship culture, tacky simple "and so on , which is tending to ignore the culture of building. The architectural space planning and construction should have their own specific character, every space atmosphere is not by individual imagine or creates casually. It needs to combine the space itself unique emotional personality to build, or out of the local cultural characteristics, or due to the characteristics of the architectural space to express itself to design. This puts forward higher requirements to the designer, needing through to the related cultural features extraction to summarize a series of elements of the space, this kind of element applied to the design, and through the building space to express the corresponding emotional personality.
  Keywords: humanized design
  I.The meaning and characteristics of emotional personality
  Usually,the word "emotion" is simple understanding for specific feelings between people, but with the transformation of social ideas, the word emotion has been used in a variety of figurative things, such as the architectural space of emotion or a street in emotion. So-called emotional personality, it is to point to something by yourself with some of the features, to the user caused by emotional change. So the construction of emotion space is derived from the place of building itself definition or the local cultural characteristics. Buildings, of course, the above said emotion should be on the basis of meet the functional architecture, again on this foundation to establish the emotional aspects of architecture.
  II.The signification of emotional space in the building
  Faster and faster in today's society development, people's material life is becoming more and more high, to the living environment is also increasing at the same time, with the improvement of people to sensory requirements, this makes the architectural design to design a satisfactory construction more and more difficult. Now exist in the architectural design of "the human nature is changed", worship culture, simple tacky, lose, \"and many other problems, tend to ignore the culture of building.
  Architectural design in addition to having good functional again, then on the basis of the given building positive emotion is of great significance, his feelings to building into the emotion of people, make the space to reach the scene of the boundary effect, make construction of emotional driving, guide people's emotion. In the architectural space of leisure and entertainment, a good entertainment to relax emotional expression can enrich people's life, let the life of people relax in the pace of life in an increasingly tense. Instead in the places where people work, shaping quiet and dignified space emotion can let workers quickly into the work environment, and better improve the efficiency of work. The architectural space with emotion can effectively help people's life.   2.1human physical factors and psychological factors
  Factors that affect building emotional variety, the first one is the behavior of the architectural space, so the scale of the people is the most fundamental basis of architectural space, only grasp the scale, space will be emotional, harmonious, rich. The size of the architectural space, the proportion of high and low and facilities, all depends on the scale of the human body. The human body measure here refers to the relative relationship building size and body size, involving the specific size, considering how to correct the real size of the reaction of the building, avoid big and small, small and big phenomenon, from the physiological function of human body is the most basic to grasp the sense of scale.
  2.2Geographical factors
  Architectural beauty comes from nature, from the region originally contained in the local characteristics, including the belief, knowledge, values and norms, etc., these are the foundation of the regional national emotion, so in the design of architectural space out of the respect natural conditions, according to the new requirements of The Times, absorb the essence of traditional culture, and based on the innovation. In different times, different historical background, the architecture design should convey the corresponding emotional color. The features of emotional shown in the architectural space to be derived from the building where the regional culture, or is the inheritance and innovation of local traditional culture, or is a kind of sublimate of local culture. A simple example, we can understand the importance of regional factors impact on the architectural space emotion, if carry the Sydney opera house, the original hard set in a coastal city in China, it gives person's feeling and the feeling is not the same in Sydney, it's like American architect frank Wright said: \"architecture should look where it come from, rather than a hard set up in the environment\". So building space design is adapted to regional culture build one aspect of the architectural space emotion can`t be ignored.
  Popular speaking, art is an expression of emotion, the emotion space of construction objects Most can let a person feel to the emotion of objects and communication with people, people will naturally make emotional communication with the architectural space in the use of architectural space, to obtain different feelings such as the joys and sorrows. Designers give emotional colors to specific things by construction design, to give the user a different feeling, this is in a sense can accord with the requirement of humanized design. So, a new era of building not only is the use of space, but also the construction of emotional color to enrich people's emotion.
高中诗歌鉴赏题分值在新课标下由原来8分升为11,避免盲目答题,必备的技巧是需要的。  准确来说学生在答题前必须具备的步骤:看题目—看作者—看内容—看注释—看考题题目。  一、看题目。  很多学生在古诗词阅读鉴赏的时候,并没有养成看标题,读标题的习惯,总是一“掠”而过。殊不知,诗歌的标题是非常重要,它是一首诗的灵魂,它往往包含了大量的信息,有时很容易掌握抒情主人公诗歌情感。有些诗歌的标题本身就为我们
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