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例一:女,36岁,1976年2月24日来诊。主诉:头晕颈痛四年。现病史;十年前,患者产后头晕呕吐,每于静卧或饮姜汁后好转。近四年来,月经前后7~10天必头颈疼痛,延至肩,臂、胸部麻痹感。转侧则晕,俯仰则头颈牵痛难忍,疼痛剧烈时即要卧床。伴有视物模糊变形,小便频数,精神萎靡不振。检查:面色暗黄,呈慢性病容。血压95/64毫米 Example 1: Female, 36 years old, on February 24, 1976. Chief complaint: Dizziness and neck pain for four years. History of illness; ten years ago, the patient had dizziness and vomiting after delivery, which improved after every time she was lying or drinking ginger juice. In the past four years, 7 to 10 days before and after menstruation, the head and neck have been pained and extended to shoulders, arms, and chest. The dizzy side is dizzy, the head and neck are hurting and the bed is in pain. Associated with blurred vision, frequent urination, and apathetic. Check: The face is dark yellow and chronically ill. Blood pressure 95/64 mm
<正> 患者王××,男,63岁,上海市嘉定县人,退休教师。患者从一九七九年三月开始头发成片脱落,用手捏之即脱,至五月份仅二月时间竟然全部脱光。曾赴当地医院皮肤科诊治,即谓“
<正> 广州前辈名老中医郭梅峰常用香蕉头治疗颈部肿物,通过多年临床使用,效果满意。他所拟用“颈核方”的组成是:香蕉头12~30克,煎水,沙糖调服,单用有效。亦可加中药配方:川贝