通过日光温室葡萄定位施肥试验,研究了钾肥不同施用水平对葡萄产量与品质的影响。结果表明:适量施用钾肥能增加葡萄果实的还原糖、维生素C含量和果粒硬度,糖酸比为34.2~38.3,产量增幅达13.7%~24.0%。采用秋施基肥结合生长期追施方式,施用300 kg hm-2的K2O,且N∶P2O5∶K2O为1∶0.85∶1时,表现出最佳的作用效果和经济效益。
The effects of different levels of potassium fertilizer on the yield and quality of grape were studied through the fertilization experiment of grapes in solar greenhouse. The results showed that proper application of potassium fertilizer could increase the content of reducing sugar, vitamin C and fruit firmness of grapes, and the ratio of sugar to acid was 34.2-38.3, and the yield increased by 13.7% -24.0%. The best effect and economic benefit were obtained by top-dressing in autumn with basal fertilizer combined with growing stage, application of K2O at 300 kg hm-2, and N: P2O5:K2O of 1: 0.85: 1.