一、和邻近学科划清研究对象和研究范围是建立任何一门独立学科所必需 我们处在信息迅速发展的时代,认识的发展瞬闪万变,新学科的出现也如雨后春笋,不可胜数。仅哲学社会科学方面的新学科,有的说现在有800多种,有的说有1000多种,甚至还有说几千种的。总之,发展的速度是惊人的。总的趋势是专业越分越细,学科越来越多。从而造成许多专题研究已不能限于本专业的知识,而必须向其他相关专业进军,谋求综合性研究,才能取得必要的成果。
I. To define the research object and scope of study with the neighboring disciplines is necessary for establishing an independent discipline We are in an era of rapid information development. The development of knowledge is changing rapidly. The emergence of new disciplines is also springing up. Some say there are more than 800 new disciplines in philosophy and social sciences, some say more than 1,000 kinds, and even thousands in number. In short, the pace of development is staggering. The general trend is the more sub-professional, more and more subjects. As a result, many special studies can no longer be restricted to the professional knowledge, but must be marketed to other related professions to seek a comprehensive study so as to achieve the necessary results.