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中国史前及商周时代的遗址中出土了数量不小的海贝及仿制的骨贝.现在一般认为贝有两种用途:第一用于装饰;第二用作货币。但是,许多民族学的材料昭示我们,海贝——因其独特的外形及蕴含的繁殖功能而被视为生命之符。安特生先生的著作收集大量的考古和民族志材料论证了海贝作为生命之符的可能性,具有很高的学术价值。本文系安代《黄土的儿女》中的第十九章,现译出来,以纪念仰韶文化发掘七十周年。为了方便读者,译者在文中加了一些必要的注释,并对无关宏旨的东西作了删节。 There are a large number of shellfish and imitation shellfish unearthed in the ruins of China’s prehistoric and Shang and Zhou dynasties. Now it is generally believed that shellfish have two purposes: first for decoration and second for currency. However, many ethnographic materials show us that seashells are regarded as symbols of life because of their unique appearance and their reproductive functions. Andersen’s writings collected a large number of archaeological and ethnographic materials demonstrated the possibility of the shellfish as a symbol of life, with high academic value. This article is the 19th chapter of Andean “Children of the Loess”, which is now translated to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the Yangshao culture excavation. In order to facilitate the reader, the translator added some necessary comments in the text and made an omission of anything irrelevant to the macroeconomic.
<正>Ⅰ.Introduction The present topic is of eminent importance.All the beneficial efforts of the Vienna Convention are likely to remain useless if the contracts
介绍了一种无位置传感器无刷直流电机驱动电路。通过检测绕组中转子位置的电势信号实现电子换相。对开关通断引起的脉冲进行处理 ,以消除位置信号的干扰。功放电路的控制逻辑
<正>Although China engaged in international trade over the Silk Road from Xi’an to the territories around the Mediterranean and the Black and Caspian Sea alrea
一、江西瑞昌出土的唐代佛具 1988年秋,在瑞昌县发现了几件唐墓中出土的青铜佛具残片,经精心修复,已恢复原貌。计有鎏金青铜塔形顶合子与鎏金青铜塔式镇柄香炉各1件。鎏金青