
来源 :水利天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baidiantong
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姚勤农是位老水利,他同江河打交道四十多个春秋,可算上“深情厚爱”。他大学毕业实习时,正值我国治黄、治淮伊始。他参加了黄河人民胜利渠渠首工程设计和石头庄溢流堰施工,参观了淮河润河集水利枢纽工程。在热火朝天的工地上,他感受到新中国建设的脉搏,庆幸自己正赶上祖国的好时光。他当时最大的心愿,就是尽快投入到水利建设的怀抱。然而现实与理想常常是不同步的。姚勤农的水利生涯是从水利部机关开始的。在水利部,虽然没有他所向往的热火朝天的动人场面和激越人心的机器轰鸣声,但他积极利用在设计部度过的十个春秋,积极下到过几十个工地,参与工程设计审查和技术问题处理,为他提高业务能力打下了坚实的功底。 Yao Qinnong is an old water conservancy worker. He has dealt with more than 40 Spring and Autumn Periods with rivers and rivers and can be counted as “deep love and affection”. When he graduated from college to practice, it was at the beginning of his country’s rule of yellow and the rule of Huaiyin. He took part in the construction of the Yellow River people’s victory drainage canal project and the construction of the spillway plutonium at the Liuzhuang Village, and visited the Runhe Water Conservancy Project in the Huaihe River. In the overwhelming construction site, he felt the pulse of the construction of New China and was glad that he was catching up with the motherland. His greatest wish at that time was to invest in water conservancy construction as soon as possible. However, reality and ideals are often not synchronized. Yao Qinong’s water-conservation career began with the Ministry of Water Resources. In the Ministry of Water Resources, although he did not have the awe-inspiring scenes and intimidating machine roar that he aspired to, he actively used the ten spring and autumn days spent in the design department and actively went down to dozens of sites to participate in engineering design review and technology. Dealing with problems has laid a solid foundation for him to improve his business abilities.
1 BMD公司本部工厂 BMD 公司,是目前世界上气流冲击造型线销量与GF公司相当的一家公司,我国引进该公司的气流冲击造型线已有数条。从工厂的情况看,该公司并非全靠先进设备才
1 自然情况吉林省位于我国东北地区中部。全省41个县(市)、18个县级区。总人口2440万,其中非农业人口1350万。幅员18.74万km~2。1990年度社会总产值874.73亿元,国 1 Natura