Durban Conference and Carbon Emission Challenge for China

来源 :Electricity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hubingguixuejing
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In recent years,with the soaring development of its national strength,China has made the world hear its voice and gained strength in negotiations.However,China is still confronting huge pressure placed by the dominant western countries.During the Durban Conference,three main groups,namely the EU(Europe Union),the Umbrella Group,and the Group of 77 and China,played important roles,among which China is outstanding but is bearing a huge corresponding pressure on carbon emission reduction.China must continue to reinforce the coordination among those emerging developing countries and strive for the status and negotiation rights it deserves.Since energy conservation and emissions reduction is a key component of China’s strategy for sustainable development,China should consider the low-carbon economy as an opportunity for development,strongly promote the development of clean energy technology and occupy the international strategic highland of the world economy. In recent years, with the soaring development of its national strength, China has made the world hear its voice and gained strength in negotiations. However, China is still confronting huge pressure placed by the dominant western countries. Playing the Durban Conference, three main groups , the said EU (Europe Union), the Umbrella Group, and the Group of 77 and China, played important roles, among which China is outstanding but is bearing a huge corresponding pressure on carbon emission reduction. China must continue to reinforce the coordination among those emerging developing countries and strive for the status and negotiation rights it deserves .ince energy conservation and emissions reduction is a key component of China’s strategy for sustainable development, China should consider the low-carbon economy as an opportunity for development, strongly promote the development of clean energy technology and occupy the international strategic highland of the world economy.
足球世界杯正如火如荼,当完激动看客,又不由得一阵感慨,不知哪年哪月,我们武术才有如此盛大的聚会和节日。武术进奥运,让我们颇费心思。但理想似乎应该更高远。毕竟,武术的终极目的不是进入奥运会,武术终究要有纯属自己的一方天地才是。  我在1992年最早提出了"东方体育大系统"的概念,近年来似乎这一概念已逐渐为人接受并引用。我坚定地以为:东方体育是一个完整的大系统,其宏大、成熟、显扬、独立,可以毫无愧色地
一、问题的提出 今年初,中国武协主要领导在谈及武术的海外发展战略和本年度工作布署时,大胆地提出了中国武协要走出国门、到海外去发展武术段位工作的新思路,同时要求武术段