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为了确保修堤工程质量,寿张一段在开工后,对边锨在掌握坯土、坦坡标准和铲草开蹬等方面,做了较细致的全面调查(调查情况见附表)。调查的结果百分之七十以上合乎标准,并有改进和提高。但在两工接头处和调配土质方面仍处于停顿和下降状况。通过调查,首先组织了一些技术较差的边锨进行了技术教育,参观了好的边锨工作并作了实地练习,对好的边锨进行了表扬和培养,建立了逐日检查制度。为了使土工和边锨的工作达到互相配合,共同负责。对土工也进行了教育,并普遍号召民工确保工程质量,因此不少土工队纷纷提出保证。如二区芷王村土工队在评工记分条件中规定了「保证质量,服从边锨指挥,用淤土包坦」为主要的条件:一区台前乡土工队向全县土工队的挑战书上提出了「减少两工接头,保证三寸虚土不厚不薄,固定专人推淤包坦」的保证条件;四区东仝村土工队长董绪芳,到处找淤,并经常教育队员们说:「保证质量就是保卫国家建设,是大家应办的事」因此该队达到了逐坯包淤,同时董绪芳和他段的边锨马永钱也结合得很好,共同保证了工程质量的标准要求。 In order to ensure the quality of the dike repairs, after the start of the first section of Shouzhang, a detailed and comprehensive survey was conducted on the control of the clay, the standard of the stanchions and the opening and pressing of the shovels in the border area (see the attached table for the survey conditions). More than 70% of the survey results were up to standard and improved and enhanced. However, they are still in a state of pause and decline at the junction of workers and workers and in the deployment of soil. Through the investigation, we first organized some poor technical margins and conducted technical education. We visited good border work and conducted field exercises. We conducted recognition and training of good marginalized people and established a daily inspection system. In order to make geotechnical and border work to achieve mutual cooperation, jointly responsible. Geotech also conducted education, and generally called for migrant workers to ensure the quality of the project, so many geotechnical teams have pledged. For example, the Zhugangcun Geotechnical Team of the Second District stipulated in the appraisal score conditions: “Assuring the quality, obeying the frontier command and using the silt to cover the tank” as the main condition: the challenge of the native team in one district to the geotechnical team in the county The book puts forward the guarantee conditions of “reducing the size of the joints of the two workmen and ensuring that the sands of the three-dimensional clay are not too thick or thin and the sands of the saffron are fixed.” Dong Xufang, the geotechic captain of Dongtung Village in the four districts, looks everywhere for silt and regularly educates team members : “Assuring the quality is what we should do to defend the nation’s construction.” Therefore, the team has achieved a lot of gifts and supplies. Meanwhile, Dong Xufang and his counterpart Ma Yongqian are well integrated to ensure the quality of the project standard requirement.