This chapter systematically summarizes the results of a standardized radial keratotomy performed on 435 patients (99.5% follow-up) in 9 clinical centers to treat one year after myopia surgery. Patients were more than 21 years old, all physiological myopia. According to the number of myopia divided into 3 groups: low: -2.00 ~ -3.12D; moderate: -3.25 ~ -4.37D; height: -4.50 ~ -8.00D. The diameter of the corneal non-incised area in each group was 4.0, 3.5 and 3.0 mm respectively. Only one eye surgery per patient. In each clinical center, an ophthalmologist specializes in surgeries and another ophthalmologist and technician checks patients and records them. Surgery all in accordance with the pre-unified approach.