有16支队伍参赛的第十六届 亚洲青年(18岁以下)男篮锦标赛,日前在马来西亚结束。中国青年队由于在决赛中以92:120负于韩国青年队而屈居亚军。而在此前的小组赛中,中国青年队曾以107:103战胜过韩国队。为何两场比赛时间相隔不久,结果与比分却反差如此强烈
The 16th Asian Youth Championship (Under 18), with 16 teams participating, ended recently in Malaysia. Chinese youth team runner-up due to defeat South Korea’s youth team 92: 120 in the final. In the previous group stage, the Chinese youth team defeated South Korea 107: 103. Why two games time soon after the results of the contrast with the score is so strong