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将绝对差度量( A D M )引入联合变换相关器( J T C), 实现了灰阶图像光学匹配的计算机模拟实验。利用循环编码方法, 通过联合变换相关器一步实现绝对差度量, 相关后的图像通过取高阈值的分割方法来实现对目标的准确判断。针对高斯噪声干扰情况, 分析了阈值选择问题, 提高了灰阶目标识别抵抗噪声畸变干扰的能力。 The absolute difference measure (A D M) is introduced into the joint transform correlator (J T C) to realize the computer simulation of the gray-scale image optical matching. By means of cyclic coding method, the absolute difference measure is realized in one step by joint transform correlator, and the related image can be accurately judged by taking a high threshold segmentation method. Aiming at the Gaussian noise interference, the threshold selection problem is analyzed, and the ability of grayscale target recognition to resist noise distortion is improved.
中国自古代以来的经书典籍很多,想要人们一本本地读过去,恐怕就是搭上大半条性命都不算完事,古人所谓的皓首穷经,也就是这个道理了,那么这时要是有一张由读书多的人开出来的书单在手,那可就不一样了这里就有一份毛泽东为他的儿子们开的一张书单,今日读来,颇有令人可玩味处    电视剧《延安颂》说到毛泽东给儿子写信寄书的事确实,在延安时毛泽东曾两次寄书给正在苏联上中学的儿子岸英和岸青  这是一批什么书呢?毛泽东