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1992年11月10日下午,络绎不绝的人群夹杂着欢声笑语涌向了八百人大教室,原来,庆祝中国人民大学档案学院建院40周年大会即将在这里举行。在那红底白字的大幅醒目横标下,一声声寒暄,一阵阵问候,一张张笑脸,一双双紧握的手,使整个礼堂到处洋溢着喜庆的气氛。2时30分,在热烈的掌声中,李鸿健副院长宣布庆祝大会开始。他首先代表档案学院全体教职员工向前来参加庆祝活动的各位领导、来宾和校友们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。接着,他向大会宣读了薄一波、王首道、袁宝华、黄达、李文海、冯子直、王明哲、裴桐、吴宝康为庆祝档案学院建院40周年而题写的贺词(见1992年第6期和本期)。档案学院副院长兼系主任曹喜琛在大会上作了题为《解放思想,深化改革,提高质量,开拓前进》的报告。他首先回顾了档案学院40年来走过的历程。他说:“中国人民大学档案学院,从1952年11月15日开办档案专修班、历经档案专修科、历史档案系、档案系,到1985年7月成立档案学院至今,已经走过了整整40年的历史途程。40年来,在党和政府以及老一辈无产阶级革命家的关怀下,在国家档案局的支持和指导下,在校党委和校长的领导下,经过全院教职 The afternoon of November 10, 1992, an endless stream of people mixed with laughter flocked to 800 classrooms, the original, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of People’s University Archives Congress will be held here. Under the prominently marked banner in the red, a greeting, a wave of greetings, a smile, a pair of clenched hands, the entire hall filled with a festive atmosphere. At 2:30, in the warm applause, Vice President Li Hongjian announced the start of the celebration. First of all, on behalf of all staff members of Archives College, he extended his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders who attended the celebration. He then read the congratulations on the congratulation delivered by Bo Yibo, Wang Shounao, Yuan Baohua, Huang Da, Li Wenhai, Feng Zizheng, Wang Mingzhe, Pei Tong and Wu Baokang to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of Archives College (see No. 6 and 1992 period). Cao Xichen, vice dean and director of the archives institute, delivered a speech entitled “Emancipating the Mind, Deepening Reform, Improving Quality and Pushing Forward” at the conference. He first reviewed the history of Archives College in 40 years. He said: "The Archives College of Renmin University of China started a file-based training course on November 15, 1952. It has gone through a full 40 years since it was founded in July 1985 by the Archives Specialist Department, Department of History Archives and Archives Department. Years of historical journey.40 years, with the care and support of the party and the government and the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, with the support and guidance of the State Archives Bureau and under the leadership of the school party committees and principals,
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