妊娠晚期仰卧下腔静脉受压综合征颇为罕见。现将我院所见一例简介如下: 患者赵××,27岁,工人,住院号70624,第一胎,孕42周,1981年3月10日入院待产。既往史和家族史无特殊。月经初潮18岁,周期5~6/28~30,量中等,无痛经,末次月经为1980年5月25日。检查:体温36.4℃,脉搏84次/分,呼吸24次/分,血压100/70毫米汞柱,心、肺、肝检查正常。产科情况:宫底于剑突下3横指,头先露,方位左枕前,未固定,胎心音140次/分。宫颈管消失,宫口未开,无宫缩。骨盆外测量:髂前上棘间径22.5厘米,髂嵴间径25.5厘米,骶耻外径17.5厘米,坐骨结节间径8厘米。化验:血红蛋白11克%,红细
Late pregnancy IVR compression syndrome is quite rare. Now see a hospital in our hospital are as follows: Patient Zhao XX, 27 years old, worker, hospital number 70624, first child, pregnant 42 weeks, March 10, 1981 admitted to hospital. Past history and family history is no special. Menstrual age 18 years old, cycle 5-6 / 28 ~ 30, the amount of moderate, no dysmenorrhea, the last menstrual period May 25, 1980. Check: body temperature 36.4 ℃, pulse 84 beats / min, breathing 24 beats / min, blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg, heart, lung, liver examination was normal. Obstetric situation: Palace at the bottom of the xiphoid 3 horizontal, first dew, left pillow before the orientation, not fixed, fetal heart sound 140 beats / min. Cervical tube disappears, cervix is not open, no contractions. Pelvic measurement: anterior superior iliac spine diameter 22.5 cm, iliac crest diameter 25.5 cm, sacral external diameter 17.5 cm, ischial tuberosity diameter 8 cm. Laboratory tests: 11 grams of hemoglobin, red fine