Modern metropolis, the rapid development of industrial centers, put forward a series of new problems of earthquake and seismic. On June 16, 1964, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Niigata, Japan. Niigata, an industrial city with a population of one million, suffered serious damage to public facilities, water pipes and gas pipelines. Most of the pipes and power plants collapsed, and railways and highways deformed. Two bridges Broken down in the river. Due to liquefaction of the foundation, the whole building is dumped in its entirety. Approximately seven million liters of crude oil flowed over the surface of the oil tanker at the Nippon Oil Refinery. About half of the oil tanks and 300 houses were destroyed by Asahi Oil Refinery depot fire, fire broke out for half a month, . The waves were also heavily affected by soaring of the waves. The facilities of the pier and the ships inside and outside the port were destroyed. In the past many people think that there will not be a big earthquake in Niigata, this accident