电子商务发展现况 因特网近几年发展迅速,到1997年7月,全球上网人口已达7,000万人以上,而商业网站的数目也在激增之中,1994年商业网站只有1,700个,到1997年已突增到665,000个。电子商务交易金额亦从1996年的7亿美元增到1997年的244亿美元。今天从事网上交易活动的企业,正在快速增加之中。在美国开业只有两年的亚马逊(Amazon)网上书店,由于销售量突增,竟迫使美国最大书商如Burnes&Noble及Borders Books跟着开设网上书店。美国DELL电脑公司自从开始网上销售电脑以来,市场占有率显著提升,1997年6月,每日销售额已达百万美元。美国GE公司也经由网上订购物料,每年采购额达10亿美元。这些蓬勃发展的事例,象征着电子商务的光明前景。
The Status of E-Commerce Development The Internet has been developing rapidly in recent years. By July 1997, the number of people accessing the Internet in the world reached more than 70 million. The number of commercial websites has also risen sharply. In 1994, there were only 1,700 commercial websites and by 1997 Has surged to 665,000. E-commerce transactions also increased from $ 700 million in 1996 to $ 24.4 billion in 1997. Companies engaged in online trading activities today are rapidly increasing. Amazon, an online bookstore opened in the United States for only two years, has forced its largest booksellers, such as Burnes & Noble and Borders Books, to open online bookstores as sales soared. Since the beginning of online sales of computers, DELL Computer has seen a significant increase in market share. In June 1997, daily sales reached millions of U.S. dollars. The United States GE company also online ordering of materials, the annual purchase amounted to 1 billion US dollars. These booming examples symbolize the bright future of e-commerce.