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胡椒瘟病〔(基腐病)foot rot〕,属藻状菌纲疫霉菌属.病原菌为疫霉菌(phyto-phthora palmivoravar perig Muller.)是一种有传染能力的土壤性病害,对胡椒危害性大.1972、1985年分别在我场岭脚、中税两区发生.现将观察及防治结果简报如下:一、为害情况在两次发病的普查中 发现该病初发时,一般不易被发现.在高湿度的环境下,发病速度快,毁灭性大.19G6年,岭脚区植椒26600株,面积200亩;1972年9月,由于 Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora phytophthora phyto-phthora palmivoravar perig muller is a contagious soilborne disease that is highly harmful to pepper 1972,1985, respectively, in my field ridge foot, tax two areas occur now observation and prevention and treatment results are as follows: First, the damage situation in the two incidence of census found that the initial onset of the disease, generally not easy to be found in High humidity environment, the incidence of fast, devastating .19G6 years, 26,606 plants Lingling District pepper, an area of ​​200 acres; September 1972, due to
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传世的佳酿与脍炙人口的交响乐一样,都承载着岁月的精粹,凝聚着天赋的灵感,其真谛在于和谐。近日,轩尼诗李察干邑(Richard Hennessy)联袂位列全球十大交响乐团之一的费城交响
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近年来,水稻干尖线虫病的危害较为严重,成为我省粳、糯稻生产的突出问题。 为了做好防治工作,各地开展了病情调查与产量损失率测定。句容、武进等地的调查结果表明,田间能够
湿地松(Pinus clliottii E.)、火炬松(Pinus taeda linn)具有速生、丰产、抗瘠薄、抗松毛虫等优良特性,因而深受群众欢迎。但随着较大面积人工纯林的出现,松赤枯病为害逐渐
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