湖北地处长江中游,远古的炎帝神农氏便生活于此。商周之后,湖北为荆楚盛地,东近吴越,西控巴蜀,南及湘粤,北连中原,自古便为兵家必争之地。从春秋到五代十国,有三十四代帝王在此建都,从楚文王到庄王,先后“并国二十六,开地三千里”,成为春秋五霸之一。悠久的历史、古老的文明加之险要的地理位置,促成了渊源流长的湖北武术。 说到湖北竞技武术,更是曾经辉煌一时。 1984年,全国武术比赛首次在武汉举行,作为东道主,湖北队队员面对实力雄厚的竞争对手愈战愈勇,男队在主教练袁林林的带领下以273.52的团体总分获得全国亚军,仅次于全国老大北京队;而女队则由名将温庄执掌帅印,以269.74分的团体成绩跃居全国第三的好成绩;同时,在那一年的比赛中,湖北武术队还取得了九节鞭、单刀、双
Hubei is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Yan Emperor Shennong ancient life will be here. After the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, Hubei was the land of Jing Chu, east of Wu Yue, west of Ba Shu, south of Hunan and Guangdong of Guangdong, north of Central Plains. From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, thirty-four generations of emperors built their capital here, from Chu King to Zhuang Wang, successively “one and twenty-six, opened three thousand miles,” became one of the five hegemonists in the Spring and Autumn Period. Long history, ancient civilizations combined with the dangers of the geographical location, contributed to the long history of Hubei Wushu. When it comes to Hubei competitive martial arts, it was once brilliant. In 1984, the national martial arts competition was held in Wuhan for the first time. As the host, the Hubei team players were facing more and more courageous competitors. Under the leadership of head coach Yuan Linlin, the men’s team won the national runner-up with 273.52 group points, only The national team leader Beijing team; while the women’s team by the famous Wenzhuang helm, with 269.74 points in the group performance jumped third in the country good results; the same time, in that year’s competition, Hubei Wushu team also made nine Festival whip, single-pole, double